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WorldHealth & Education

Coronavirus: Half of Carriers Show No Symptoms, Says Iceland

As the coronavirus pandemic surges worldwide, each piece of data counts in the fight against the deadly pathogen.

Scientists are calling for urgent studies to determine the proportion of people with coronavirus who show no, or delayed, symptoms amid concern that the number of silent carriers may be greater than previously thought.

Iceland, which says it’s tested a higher proportion of inhabitants than any other country, found that about half those who tested positive have no symptoms of Covid-19.

Unlike other countries, where people are only tested if they exhibit symptoms of coronavirus or have come into contact with known spreaders, the country is testing thousands of people from the general population who don’t exhibit any symptoms of the virus whatsoever – helping to reveal information about the nature of the pathogen and its symptoms.

As many as a third of the people who test positive show delayed symptoms or none at all, the South China Morning Post reported Sunday, citing classified data from the Chinese government.

This confirms multiple pieces of scientific research whcih indicate the potential for the coronavirus to spread among people before they display the typical fever, cough and fatigue associated with the Covid-19 lung disease.


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