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Coronavirus Deaths Cross 100,000 Worldwide

Deaths caused by the respiratory disease, COVID-19 have now crossed 100,000 worldwide while the world recently witnessed the milestone of 100 days since the virus impacted human life.
The epicenter of the pandemic has moved from region to region, and is currently centered around the US and Europe.

Of the 100,000 +, the US has the highest share of deaths, flowed closely by Italy, Spain and France.

The deaths in UK, though still not a 5-digit figure, are quickly rising, with experts noting one of the fastest increases of the death rate in the country.

In the Middle East, Iran has the highest number of cases and deaths while in the GCC, Saudi Arabia has recorded the most number of deaths, with Kuwait recording the fewest.

Meanwhile, more than 350,000 have recovered from COVID-19, while infections are more than 1.6 million worldwide.


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