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Total COVID-19 death cases in Bahrain reach 401

The Ministry of Health in Bahrain announces three deaths from COVID19, a female citizen aged 65, a female citizen aged 59 and a male citizen aged 68, and expresses its condolences to the families of the deceased.

Citizens are urged to take extra precautions in light of the prevalence of a variant COVID-19 strain, more highly transmittable than the initial COVID-19 strain.

Dr. Lt. Col. Manaf Al Qahtani said that the elderly are at greatest risk from the variant, noting that symptoms appear at a later stage. He further emphasised the importance of taking greater precautions when interacting with the elderly, or those who have chronic diseases, even within the same household.

Dr. Al Qahtani noted that vaccines are safe and effective in preventing the spread of the virus as well as preventing serious complications from COVID-19.

Precautionary measures issued previously are the same measures that must be followed to combat the variant.



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