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GCC CountriesBahrain

Coronavirus: Cafe in Bahrain Closed As Precautionary Measure

The Ministry of Health closed a café located in Sanad, as a precautionary measure, after two individuals who had returned from countries affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), had not followed the self-isolation health guidelines given to them, and frequented the café.

The Ministry noted that it has sterilised and disinfected the café, adding that all individuals who were in contact with the two returnees have been tested to ensure they do not have the virus and do not pose a threat to the community.

The Ministry underlined that the necessary legal measures will be taken against violators of Public Health Law No. 34 of 2018, which include a prison term of not less than 3 months and a fine of not less than BD 1,000, for an individual who intentionally conceals a person with a contagious disease or exposes others to diseases, or who intentionally causes the transmission of diseases to others, or refrains from carrying out any measure to prevent the spread of the disease.

The Ministry reiterates the urgency for all citizens and residents to abide by the health guidelines given to them in order to ensure the safety of the community and the containment of the COVID-19.


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