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GCC CountriesHealth

Coronavirus: Breakdown of current cases in the GCC

Bahrain reported 43 cases today. Active cases are at 211, while discharged is at 164. 2 deaths have been reported from Bahrain so far.

Saudi Arabia reported 51 new cases today, bringing the total active cases to 543. There have been 19 recoveries and no deaths in Saudi so far.

UAE reported 45 new cases today, bringing the total active count to 155. 2 deaths have been reported in the UAE so far.

Oman reported 11 new cases today, bringing the total active cases to 49. Oman has not reported any casualties.

Kuwait has reported one new case today. With this, the county’s total active cases reach 159. No deaths have been recorded from Kuwait.

Qatar’s active cases are currently at 468 with 7 new cases reported today.

Total active cases in the GCC are thus at 1589.



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