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Health & EducationGCC CountriesTravel

Coronavirus: Bahrain’s Therapeutic Medication Proved Effective

President of the Supreme Council of Health (SCH) Lt. General Dr Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the Head of the National Taskforce to Combat Coronavirus (COVID-19), has affirmed that the therapeutic protocol of the Kingdom of Bahrain which uses Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) medication in treating COVID-19-infected cases has proved its effectiveness.

He said the kingdom is one of the first countries that used the medication, pointing out its success in alleviating the symptoms of the virus and reducing its complications.

The SCH President noted that the Kingdom of Bahrain used Hydroxychloroquine on February 26, 2020, after detecting the first COVID-19 case two days before.

He pointed out that the National Taskforce to Combat COVID-19 decided to use the medication to treat the cases according to the experience of the countries which achieved remarkable success in curing the coronavirus-infected cases, like China and South Korea where the recovery indices rose remarkably.

The SCH President affirmed that Hydroxychloroquine is used as the main cure for diseases like Malaria, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It proved to be very effective in alleviating virus-related symptoms, pneumonia, pain and fever, he added, pointing out that applying the therapeutic protocol depends on the pathological case.


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