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Coronavirus: Bahrain Complies with Stay-At-Home Orders, Says Google Report

Bahrain’s measures to prevent the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection is progressing on a healthy path with citizens and residents here responding positively to the lockdown measures installed. Latest Google data, released to help public health officials understand responses to social distancing guidance related to COVID-19, confirms this trend.

According to the tech giant’s data showing mobility changes, Bahrain recorded a 45% fall in visits to the locations of restaurants, cafes, shopping centres, theme parks, museums, libraries, and movie theatres. Trips to grocery markets, food warehouses, farmers markets, speciality food shops, drug stores, and pharmacy locations fell 22%.

The report, based on users’ movements, further shows a 40% fall in visits to places like national parks, public beaches, marinas, parks, plazas, and public gardens. Mobility trends for places like public transport hubs such as subway, bus, and train stations show a 38% decline.

Visits to workplaces fell by 25%, while it shows a 16% increase in mobility trends for places of residence. The data is compared to a baseline or median value for the corresponding day of the week, during the 5 weeks from Jan 3- Feb 6, 2020. (https://www. google.com/covid19/mobility/).



Health Ministry statistics show, until yesterday, Bahrain has managed to send back 382 people to their homes after ensuring their successful recovery from coronavirus infections.


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