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Cigarette Smuggling Attempt Thwarted by Customs in Oman

The Directorate General of Customs managed to thwart an attempt to smuggle thousands of packets of cigarettes that were hidden at Al Wajajah port.

A statement issued online by the Directorate General of Customs said that Al Wajajah customs thwarted an attempt to smuggle more than 4,000 packets of cigarettes, which were hidden in a hard-to-detect way in a trailer-mounted caravan.

It is noteworthy that Al Wajajah port is among the five most crowded Omani land ports on the border with the United Arab Emirates (Emirate of Dubai).

Al Wajajah is located in Al Batinah’s administrative division in Oman. The city is 90 minutes by road from Dubai, one hour from the Omani city of Sohar, and three hours from Muscat, the capital of Oman.


Times of Oman
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