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Churches, temples begin to reopen in Oman

After 10 months of closure, a number of non-Muslim places of worship including churches and temples have begun to reopen in Oman as COVID-19 restrictions are gradually being eased across the country, local media reported.

According to official authorities, prayers have been allowed to resume at a number of places of worship in Muscat with strict guidelines.

Meanwhile, temples in the country will reopen on Saturday, December 26, officials said.

“Both Sri Krishna Temple in Darsait and Sri Shiva Temple in Muscat will reopen on Saturday following a prescribed timing. Only limited number of people will be allowed to enter the temple but they must follow strict COVID-19 protocols including wearing masks and maintaining social distancing,” the official added.

With people celebrating Christmas, limited resumptions of holy masses have been allowed in various churches in the country. In a circular issued to worshippers, Ruwi Church said worshippers are allowed to enter subject to advance online registration.

According to the circular, children below 12 years and the elderly above 65 years will not be allowed to enter the Church premises. Both temples and churches in the country was closed since March 18 following COVID-19 pandemic.


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