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China: The Boy With Hair Lice in his EYELASHES: Doctors Shocked To Discover Cause of Three-Year-Old’s ‘Itchiness’

A Chinese boy needed his eyelids disinfected after head lice were discovered living in his eyelashes.  Grim images show the extent of the three-year-old’s infestation, which left him ‘itching’ his eyes.

The toddler, from Zhengzhou, loved playing in the sand and often rubbed his eyes with dirty hands. Yet doctors did not say if this was to blame. His itchiness was ‘resolved immediately’ after doctors successfully removed the lice. 

He is also not thought to have passed the lice on. Publishing skin-crawling images of the lice in a medical journal, doctors stated they believe the case is ‘extremely rare’. 

On arrival at the hospital, his parents told medics he had suffered from itchy eyelashes in his right eye, which also produced ‘abnormal’ and ‘visible’ liquid for over a week. 


Daily Mail
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