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China Blasts America’s “Illegal” Occupation Of Syria

China has weighed in on the Pentagon’s continued occupation of Syria in the wake of Wednesday’s Republican-sponsored War Powers Resolution in the House, which according to Congressman Matt Gaetz was aimed specifically at forcing President Biden to withdraw all American troops from Syria.

In a Friday press briefing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning was asked for a response to the vote. She demanded that the US “immediately end the troops’ illegal occupation and plundering” and halt the sanctions regimen which is crushing the Syrian economy and thus increasing the misery of common people.

Mao also sought to underscore that Washington is increasingly isolated on the issue, noting that the US has been “criticized multiple times” by the United Nations. She further said US forces have conducted “indiscriminate attacks that may amount to a war crime.”

She called on Washington to “respect other countries’ sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity,” and that it must stop “aggravating humanitarian disasters” in Syria – in reference to the widespread reports that US sanctions hindered rescue efforts in the wake of last month’s earthquake. And yet, it remains entirely unclear what the real “mission” is in Syria. The Trump administration had said it was to “secure the oil” – while Biden has pushed a ‘counter-ISIS’ focus.

But many analysts have pointed to the real underlying reason for the US wanting to keep squeezing Damascus by controlling the country’s natural resources (US troops are occupying the country’s oil and gas fields in the northeast) at a moment crippling sanctions have been ratcheted up.


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