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Canada to begin Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine roll-out

Canada will begin a roll-out of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, just days after becoming one of the first countries to approve the treatment.

The first shipment of the vaccine arrived in the country on Sunday night, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hailing the “good news.”

Trudeau has previously said the country will receive 249,000 initial doses of the vaccine this month, the first 30,000 doses of which are expected to have arrived by Monday.

Local media have reported it will be rolled out in Quebec – the country’s hardest-hit province – the same day, where it will be distributed to elderly care homes.

Distribution will begin in neighboring Ontario on Tuesday, the province said on its official website, as part of a pilot scheme to be given to more than 2,500 frontline workers in hospitals and care homes.


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