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British Husband Faces Six Years in Jail for Adultery After ‘He Was Caught by Police Having Sex With His Mistress Thanks to Tip-off From His Suspicious Wife’ in the Philippines

A British husband has been arrested after he was allegedly caught having sex with his mistress in the family home in the Philippines. Kevin Robert Stitt, 36, was put under police surveillance – adultery and concubinage are illegal in the Catholic country – following complaints from his suspicious wife that he was having an affair.

The motorbike-riding Briton was followed by cops who watched him return to a property he shared with his Filipina wife while she was outside seeing relatives in the Cebu province mid-afternoon on July 4.

Officers then stormed into the home in the coastal village of Tuble in Moalboal to find Mr Stitt and his alleged mistress Rowena Torres, 30, while they were in bed together ‘in the act of doing the deed’.

Speaking today, an officer from the Moalboal Police Station said in a phone interview: ‘The Briton is the subject of an investigation. He has a private lawyer. His name is Kevin Robert Stitt.’

Moalboal Police Station confirmed that the pair were caught in the act and were taken into custody. The officer added: ‘The wife came to ask us for help. The house where they were found was a conjugal property. They were sleeping together when the officers went in at 1:40 pm.’

Mr Stitt is being grilled on allegations of marital infidelity which is punishable by up to six years in prison.  Meanwhile, his alleged Filipina lover Ms Torres may face charges of concubinage which is punishable by jail time of up to four years. Officers said investigations into the incident are ongoing and the husband, wife, and alleged mistress are being interviewed.


Daily Mail
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