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WorldPeople & Culture

British Airways To Offer Iftar on Middle East Flights During Ramadan

British Airways joined several Middle Eastern airlines to support customers who are flying during Ramadan this year by catering for Iftar on board its flights.

On various routes to and from London, including Kuwait, Bahrain, Riyadh and Dubai, the airline will cater for customers flying during the fast-breaks times by offering them Arabic dates and Laban (buttermilk).

Where possible, cabin crew will also save a meal for customers until after they can break the fast, the airline said.

Also, to mark the end of Ramadan, British Airways will celebrate Eid on board all its flights. A festive lunch or dinner will be served to customers on board the flights on Eid.

Panagiotis Theodotou, British Airways Regional Commercial Manager Middle East and Pakistan said: “We know Ramadan is a really important time of the year for many of our customers. To support those that are flying during this time we are offering our customers an Iftar onboard our flights to and from London.

“We hope this supports our customers breaking their fast even while travelling on a flight,” he added.

The special Ramadan service will be offered on BA flights to and from Heathrow to Dubai, Kuwait, Islamabad, Riyadh, Bahrain, Doha, Cairo, Algiers, Amman, Marrakech, Tirana, Antalya, Dalaman, and Istanbul.

It will also be offered on its flights to and from Gatwick to Doha.


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