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Britain’s medicine regulator says AstraZeneca jab safe

Britain’s medicine regulator is urging people to continue taking the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, despite revealing that seven people in the UK have died from rare blood clots after getting the jab.

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency said it wasn’t clear if the shots are causing the clots.

In total, MHRA had identified 30 cases of rare blood clot events out of 18.1 million AstraZeneca doses administered up to and including March 24.

The risk associated with this type of blood clot is “very small,” it added.

“The benefits of Covid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca in preventing Covid-19 infection and its complications continue to outweigh any risks and the public should continue to get their vaccine when invited to do so,” Dr. June Raine, the agency’s chief executive, said.


Gulf Today

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