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Brazil’s ‘Oldest Woman’ Celebrates Upcoming 123rd Birthday

Amantina dos Santos Duvirgem believed to be the oldest person in the world, joyously celebrated her upcoming 123rd birthday in Parana State, Brazil. The momentous occasion was marked with a party organised by the state’s civic officials, where Ms Duvirgem enjoyed a slice of cake in the hall of the Chapel of Sao Sebastiao.

According to her pension records, Ms Duvirgem was born on June 22, 1900, solidifying her status as the oldest living person globally. However, her claim is currently not recognised by Guinness World Records, possibly due to the circumstances surrounding her birth certificate. It was issued when she applied for her pension, and the exact date was confirmed through statements from four individuals, all of whom are over 70 years old.

The current official record holder for the world’s oldest person is American-Spanish Branyas Morera, who turned 116 years old on March 4 this year.

While Amantina dos Santos Duvirgem’s claim awaits official recognition, her upcoming 123rd birthday celebration serves as a testament to the resilience and longevity of the human spirit.


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