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Billions of Chrome Users Warned of AI Spam ‘Tidal Wave’- Beware of This Danger Phrase

BILLIONS of people have been warned that an “AI tidal wave of spam” could be hitting their social media feeds, Amazon review pages, LinkedIn feeds, and more. A recent report found early signs that AI language models such as ChatGPT are generating reviews and other content online as found on social media and search engines like Google. 

Specifically, the report urged internet users to watch out for the phrase “as an AI language model.” This phrase is reportedly used as a disclaimer by AI language models when asked to generate opinions or banned content. 

While sometimes used in a joking manner by human posters, the outlet warned it could indicate that others used an AI system to generate their content for them and forgot to take out the disclaimer. Many social media users have called attention to the use of the phrase in Amazon review pages. 

While looking out the phrase might make it easy to decipher comments and reviews written by humans vs. artificial intelligence, it may get more difficult as technology continues to develop.


The U.S. Sun
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