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WorldSaudi Arabia

Biden to ‘review’ relationship with Saudi after OPEC+ production cuts

President Joe Biden will review Washington’s relationship with Saudi Arabia after the OPEC+ alliance announced last week it would slash oil production, White House National Security spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday.

“The president believes that we should review the bilateral relationship with Saudi Arabia and to take a look to see if that relationship is where it needs to be and that it is serving our national security interests,” Mr Kirby told reporters.

Mr Kirby spoke a day after Bob Menendez, the chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, vowed to “freeze all aspects” of Washington’s cooperation with Saudi Arabia and threatened to block all future weapons sales.

Mr Kirby said the president’s review would include an assessment of whether the bilateral relationship with Saudi Arabia is “serving our national security interests”.

Mr Biden is “willing to discuss this relationship with members of Congress,” Mr Kirby said.

Opec+ — which includes Russia — announced it would slash its November output by two million barrels per day. This was its biggest production cut since the start of the pandemic in 2020 and led to a jump in oil prices.

Critics of the decision in Washington have framed it as a move that benefits Russia, as its war with Ukraine escalates.

Mr Biden previously expressed disappointment over the production cut, which led to a surge in oil prices as the US heads into critical midterm elections.

When asked why the White House is specifically concerned with Saudi Arabia and not other Opec+ members, Mr Kirby pointed to Saudi leadership within the alliance.


The National

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