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Bahrain’s Top Kindergarten and Preschools in 2020

If you have recently moved into Bahrain, just starting the life of parenthood or thinking about transferring your child, this list will help you navigate through the best educational options in the Kingdom.

Little Wonders Preschool

Little Wonders Preschool Bahrain provides a friendly and nurturing, child-centered environment, fostering curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking for children, with an option of teaching in both English and Arabic. The preschool caters to children aged 1-4 years old.

Curriculum: British EYFS with Montessori teaching approach
Annual Fees: BD 2,385
Facilities: Large indoor playground, multiple outdoor playgrounds, including sand play area, gardening area, playground, and cycling area
Location: Saar
For more information: 3644 7000, info@littlewondersbh.com

EtonHouse International Preschool

EtonHouse Bahrain provides an Early Years Programme for children aged from 18 months to 4 years of age. EtonHouse provides a bilingually English/Arabic enriched, programme with a carefully resourced environment that stimulates the learning and development of children aged 2-4 years. EtonHouse’s early childhood curriculum is inspired by internationally accepted best teaching practices from around the world such as the Reggio Emilia educational project of northern Italy.

Curriculum: British
Annual Fees: BD2,700
Facilities: Aterlia (Art Workshop Studio), Forest School Garden, Sensory Light Studio, Music Studio, Outdoor Art Studio.
Location: Janabiya
For more information: 17490333, info@etonhouse.me

KinderWorld Preschool

KinderWorld are purpose built preschools that are located in Janabiyah and Adliya. Both campuses include state of the art facilities, multiple indoor and outdoor play areas, large and well resourced classrooms with the latest in SMART technology.

Curriculum: British
Annual Fees: From BD 510 to BD 750 per term
Facilities: Shaded and open playgrounds, sand and water play areas and an indoor hall
Location: Adliya and Janabiya
For more information: 1779 9922, infor@kinderworldbh.com

Budaiya Preschool

Following the UK Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum U.K., The Budaiya Pre School has provided quality education in Bahrain for children from 2- 6 years of age for the past 26 years. The Budaiya Pre School holds the prestigious E. Quality counts Accreditation from the National Day Nurseries Association U.K.; and is the only preschool in Bahrain to hold this accreditation.  The preschool’s facilities are purpose built and specially designed for the safety and specific needs of young children.

Curriculum: British
Annual Fees: BD 975 to BD2400 (depending on age and number of days attending)
Facilities: Spacious purpose built classrooms with adjoining bathrooms, library, soft play room 2 large play areas and children’s garden. cooking centre, interactive whiteboards, large children’s indoor theater
Location: Budaiya
For more information: 17791491, info@budaiyapreschool.com

Kipina Nursery and Preschool

Kipina takes the best of what Finland has to offer, and improves it even further with up-to-the-minute teaching practices based on scientific research and structured learning through focused instruction.

The school combines play based learning with small class sizes, safe, clean and clutter free environments.

Curriculum: Enhanced Finnish
Annual Fees: BD 750 to BD850
Location: Saar
For more information: 1700 9598


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