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“Bahrain’s Entrepreneurs Award” to honor outstanding youth in November

An award to encourage young entrepreneurs and motivate them to compete and accordingly unleash their creativity to be announced.

Bahrain International Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPW), held a virtual press conference to announce “Bahrain’s Entrepreneurs Award” on November.

The award highlights the federation’s believes in the important role of youth in steering the economic wheel of the labour market through their innovative approach in various fields. 

BPW has focused on investing in young entrepreneurs by encouraging, training, and preparing them for labor market to ensure their capabilities to contribute to the Kingdom’s national development in line with Bahrain’s 2030 vision.

The award will honor outstanding entrepreneurs, will highlight their work and business idea, and their contribution to the growth of the private sector.

The $10,000 award will be divided for two categories, $5,000 for entrepreneur in the commercial sector (business owner), and $5,000 for distinguished entrepreneur in the professional sector (craftsmen).


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