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Money & BusinessBahrain

Bahrainis to be exempted from EWA bills until December 2020

The Cabinet approved a number of initiatives aimed at mitigating the impacts of the novel coronavirus.

To continue the government’s efforts to mitigate the repercussions of the global spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Kingdom’s citizens and the national economy, the government decided to sponsor the electricity, water and municipal fees for all citizens in their first residence for a period of 3 months, starting from October 2020.

It is also stated that the amount should not be exceeding the bills for the same period last year for each subscriber.

Furthermore, the Cabinet directed the Central Bank of Bahrain to urge all banks to postpone loan installments from citizens affected by the global pandemic, until the end of this year, and in a manner that does not affect banks’ liquidity or financial solvency.


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