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Bahraini marries woman to benefit from Housing scheme

The High Civil Court has ordered a Bahraini man to pay BD15,000 to his divorcee after they bought together a house through the Mazaya housing scheme before he deserted it.

The pair is said to have collectively furnished the house and maintained it, but he divorced her, prompting the woman to file a case against him to recover the money she had paid. According to court files, the plaintiff agreed with the defendant to register everything under both names, but she discovered that the man wrote everything under his name.

She revealed to the court that she paid BD44,000, and the defendant told her later that he would divorce her and marry another woman, stating that he tied the knot with her to benefit from the housing programme.

Meanwhile, the defendant offered the woman to take the furniture she bought to the house. He pointed out to the court that he lent some money, and they opened a shared account to return it.



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