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Bahrain: Woman sentenced to prison for violating home quarantine

Chief Prosecutor Adnan Al-Wadei said the Lower Criminal Court sentenced today a female defendant to one year in prison and imposed a BD 100 bail to stop execution of the verdict and BD 3000 fine for both charges.

The convict was charged with violating home quarantine procedures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus and exposing other people to infection.

The Public Health Directorate notified the Public Prosecution that the female convict had transgressed home confinement imposed on her as a preemptive measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It was found out that the convict had left her home during the home quarantine period and attended a family gathering in the house of one of her relatives. Then, she developed symptoms of the disease and after checkup, she was confirmed to be infected with the virus. After examination of those she came into contact with, six other people were found to have contracted the virus.


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