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Bahrain Weather: March Was Warmer, Less Humid Than Normal

The month of March 2020 was warmer than normal with below average relative humidities and wind speed, the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications’ Meteorological Directorate has said.

The mean temperature of the month was 22.1°C, which is 1.1°C above the long-term normal for March., the directorate said in its monthly weather summary. The mean maximum temperature of the month was 26.2°C, which is 1.5°C above the long-term normal.

March 2020 was also the third sunniest March since the sunshine records began in 1968 whereby the monthly total hour of sunshine recorded was 287.4 hours and exceeded by March 2018 with a record of 324.3 hours and March 2013 with a record of 291.3 hours.


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