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Bahrain: Warehouse Raids Aim to Control Food Prices

Three warehouses with large quantities of fruits and vegetables, some of which date back to February this year were found in the warehouse raids conducted by The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

Field visits were conducted in warehouses and stores designated for vegetables and fruits in the areas of Sitra, Maamir, Samahij and Salmabad and the various central markets in the Kingdom of Bahrain to verify stock and availability.

It was found that there is an exaggerated price increase and a scarcity of fruits and vegetables. The supervision continued, and accordingly, a number of warehouses were investigated to see the number of vegetables and fruits stored in them, and it was found that there are 3 warehouses with large quantities of fruits and vegetables, some of which date back to February this year, which limits their flow in the markets and high prices

All legal measures will be taken towards Violators, according to Law No. 35 of 2012 on consumer protection.

The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism HE Mr Zayed bin Rashid Al Zayani stressed the necessity of placing goods on the market, and also stressed the need for cooperation and solidarity in these exceptional circumstances, calling on all concerned to fully comply with the laws and Raat and regulations in force in the commercial field in Bahrain.


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