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Bahrain: Verdicts for COVID-19 violations in 24 hours

Attorney General Dr. Ali bin Fadhl Al Buainain said that the Public Prosecution is ready to deal with cases involving violations of the mandatory precautionary measures for combating the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), including gatherings exceeding the tolerated number.

In a statement today, he said cases involving COVID-19 violations would be investigated and referred to the specialized court for verdicts to be issued within 24 hours.

He announced that a joint mechanism has been put in place, in coordination with competent authorities, to implement this initiative which aims to support national efforts to combat the pandemic.

“All stages of the criminal case, including the trial, will not exceed one day, in accordance with the requirements of prompt justice, taking into account fair trial standards and ensuring the rights of the accused”, he said.

He pointed out that this work procedure would continue during the official public holidays, particularly the New Year and weekends.


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