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Bahrain: Vaccinated individuals will be allowed in cinemas, indoor services

Starting from the first day of Eid Al-Fitr, indoor services and a few other services will be allowed, limited to vaccinated and recovered individuals.

Individuals below 18 are permitted, provided they are accompanied by a vaccinated or recovered guardian.


Additional responses include restricting some indoor services to; those who are 14 days post their second dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccination, those who have recovered from the virus, and those below the age of 18 accompanied by a qualifying parent or guardian.

The vaccination certificates are to be presented using the ‘BeAware’ application.

The following indoor services will require presentation of vaccination certificates:

  • Indoor dining services
  • Indoor gymnasiums
  • Indoor swimming pools
  • Cinemas
  • Spas
  • Indoor children’s play leisure centres
  • Indoor events and conference halls
  • Fan attendance at sporting events

The Taskforce emphasised the importance of abiding by health and social distancing guidelines. All outdoor dining in cafes and restaurants, gyms and sports stadiums, swimming pools, playgrounds, leisure and entertainment centres, and cinemas will be permitted for all.

All decisions will remain subject to periodic review, in a manner that preserves the health and safety of all.



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