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Bahrain urges 12-17 year olds to take COVID-19 vaccine

The importance for children aged between 12 and 17 to take the COVID-19 vaccine at this stage of dealing with the virus in order to be protected against its complications and new mutations has been stressed by Infectious Disease Consultant and Microbiologist at the BDF Hospital and member of the National Medical Taskforce for Combating the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Lt. Col. Dr. Manaf Al Qahtani.

He indicated that the COVID-Delta variant poses an increasing danger to all age groups, especially children.

He explained that the spike in the active cases over the past period included active cases of unvaccinated children. He called on parents to register their children aged between 12 and 17 for the vaccine.

He pointed out that the vaccine is not dangerous to the age group, adding that the FDA and the CDC strongly recommended this age group to take the vaccine to reduce complications or deaths as a result of infection.

He called on everyone to continue to adhere to the precautionary measures and instructions issued by the competent authorities to limit the spread of the virus.



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