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GCC CountriesPeople & Culture

Bahrain: Urgent Proposal for “Mandatory Curfew” Submitted

In light of the efforts devoted to combating the spread of Coronavirus (Covid-19), two MPs yesterday submitted an urgent proposal to the Government, demanding it to impose a partial curfew across the Kingdom.

The proposal was submitted by the Council of Representatives’ Public Utilities and Environment Committee Head Hamad Al Kooheji and Financial and Economic Committee Head Ahmed Al Salloom, who called for imposing the curfew from 6 pm to 5 am, considering what they described as “the carelessness and recklessness shown by some to the directives calling to remain home to combat the spread of the virus”.

Both lawmakers explained in a press statement yesterday that the urgent proposal comes as a “popular demand”, especially after detecting disregard by some people to the preventive guidance to remain home during this period, “mainly expat communities”.

They also called upon Interior Ministry to intensify its patrols to curb gatherings in residential areas and coasts, adding that “some people are dealing with current situation without awareness and without moral and national responsibility”.

Justifying their proposal, the MPs added: “This option has been followed by many countries surrounding us, including Kuwait and Jordan. The curfew has become an urgent necessity and a demand to control the situation from increasing, as its continuation for a longer period will lead to greater losses and therefore more firm measures must be taken in the interest of citizens.”


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