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Bahrain: Updates to COVID-19 Protocols

Bahrain, on 6 January 2022, updated measures and testing protocols taken to mitigate COVID-19.

The following updates to COVID-19 protocols will be implemented, starting from Sunday, 09 January 2022:

  • Increasing PCR testing for individuals who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, which may include high temperature, coughing, and shortness of breath, and for those who have a positive rapid antigen test, and those who have been in close contact with active COVID-19 cases.  
  • Increasing COVID-19 rapid testing for employees across the Kingdom’s vital sectors.

The following COVID-19 protocol updates are to be implemented for vaccinated and un-vaccinated individuals arriving into the Kingdom of Bahrain:

  • All arrivals must present a negative PCR certificate issued no more than 72 hours before arriving into the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  • One PCR test will be required to be taken upon arrival, with a reduced cost of BHD 12.
  • Unvaccinated individuals aged 12 years and above must complete a 10-day quarantine in their residence or place of stay.
  • The National Vaccination Campaign will continue its rollout at the same pace.
  • Isolation and treatment centres will continue to operate at their current capacities.
  • Citizens and Residents who display symptoms are encouraged to get tested as soon as possible.
  • Unvaccinated individuals and those who have yet to receive a booster shot are encouraged to do so to protect public health.


Bahrain News Agency

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