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Bahrain updates procedures for contacts of active COVID-19 cases

The testing and quarantine procedures for traced contacts of active COVID-19 cases have been updated, effective Friday, 15 October 2021.

Non-Green Shield holders:

Individuals who do not hold a Green Shield must quarantine for seven days. Quarantine must begin from the date of contact, with mandatory PCR tests to be taken at the beginning of the quarantine period and on the seventh day after contact to end their quarantine.

Green Shield holders (vaccinated or recovered):

Vaccinated or recovered individuals with a Green Shield who have come into contact with an active COVID-19 case are no longer required to quarantine. However, they must take a PCR test on the first and seventh days after contact.

An additional test should be immediately taken if one experiences any COVID-19 related symptoms.

The above measures do not apply to contacts of active COVID-19 cases who were traced before 15th October.

The National Medical Taskforce for Combatting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) reiterated that the regular updates to procedures are based on national indicators regarding the effectiveness of vaccinations and booster shots.



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