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Bahrain updates COVID-19 safety measures for mosques

The Ministry of Health has updated the precautionary measures for mosques to enable worshipers to perform their prayers with ease.

  • It is no longer required to leave one row between every two rows.
  • Reduce the distance between worshippers from two meters to one meter.
  • Allowing the provision of the Holy Qur’an or printed books. Reading from personal devices is recommended.
  • Worshipers have the option to pray on their personal mats/carpets.
  • Masks to be worn at all times. Anyone without a mask shall not be permitted to enter.
  • No capacity limit.
  • Prayers inside the mosque are restricted to only vaccinated individuals aged 12 years and above.
  • Prayers outside the mosque are allowed for all.
  • Mosque activities are allowed (memorization sessions – lessons – advocacy activities for non-Muslims, etc.)
  • Worshipers are allowed to stay in the mosque before and after prayers to read the Qur’an or i’tikaf, while adhering to the precautionary measures and requirements.

The National Taskforce for Combatting COVID-19 indicated that the precautionary measures for mosques will be updated according to each level of the light signal mechanism.



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