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Health & EducationBahrainHealth

Bahrain: Two restaurants shut down for one week due to violations

 Two restaurants located in the Capital Governorate have been shut down for one week for violating the mandatory precautionary measures to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and curb infections.

Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) announced the closure of the restaurants, in coordination with the Health Ministry’s Public Health Directorate and the Inspection Directorate at the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

“The restaurants have been shut down for one week following the visit of the Health Ministry’s Food Control inspectors who reported the violations”, said a BTEA statement, adding that legal measures would be taken against both outlets for violating the ministerial edict 51 of 2020 which regulates mandatory health protocols at restaurants and cafes to curb the spread of the pandemic.

BTEA announced that field visits would continue to ensure outlets comply fully with mandatory precautionary measures and health protocols and contribute to combating the pandemic.



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