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Bahrain: Trial Rooms Must be Shut, Returns Restricted

“All shops must adhere to closing clothing try-on rooms and must not allow customers to try on or test goods that are placed on the human body directly.”

This was announced by the Ministry of Health as part of preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods including clothes, cosmetics, masks, and others from commercial shops to contain and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to the decision issued by the Minister of Health, Dr. Faeqa Al-Saleh, it is not permissible to exchange or return these goods after the sale unless they have a defect. In all cases, the decision indicated, the commodity may not be offered for sale again after its replacement or return.

The decision stipulated that “it is permissible to replace, return, or experiment directly with goods that are placed on the human body, including jewellery and glasses, if they are by their nature subject to sterilization by means to eliminate viruses without damaging them or affecting their quality in any way, provided that they are sterilized directly upon their replacement or return or contact with it from the shop goers or employees.

According to the decision, anyone who violates the provisions of this decision would be punished with the punishment prescribed in Article (121) of the Public Health Law promulgated by Law No. (34) of 2018.


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