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Bahrain: Trial Begins, Nurse-Attacker Claims He Was Drunk

The trial of the viral nurse-attacker started today. Officials decided to have another trial on April 23. This was decided by the fourth high criminal court.

Details of the trial, according to documents of the courts, indicated that the 29-year-old Asian attacker claimed that he was drunk and was not aware of what he was doing.

The court stated that the postponement was due to the Ministry of Justice’s requirement to assign a lawyer to defend the accused, and ordered the continuation of detention until the next session.

The video of the nurse being tackled and mugged went viral last February showing a hospital nurse walking and being followed by a man who moments later strangled her and pushed her to the ground.

The incident is said to have happened at 10:55 pm near the St Mary’s Indian Orthodox Cathedral in Salmaniya area. The attacker was arrested in less than 24 hours after the news broke.


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