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Bahrain: Traffic Directorate announces Ramadan work timings

The  General Directorate of Traffic announced the working hours during Ramadan will be from Sunday to Thursday from 8 am to 2 pm.

The same work timings will also apply to the  Driving Learning Directorate and the Muharraq Security Complex. The timing of Service Centres will be from 9 am to 3 pm.

The technical examination services will be from 8 am to 2 pm for light vehicles. Meanwhile, heavy vehicles need to book an appointment via the Skipllino app for the period from 2 to 5 pm.

The General Directorate of Traffic urged applicants to benefit from the e-services through the Government Portal Bahrain. bh and the smartphone app “etraffic”, Sadad devices, e-platforms at all governorates. Appointments should be booked for services that required personal attendance through Skiplino.

The General Directorate of Traffic asserted the importance of following traffic rules to ensure the safety of road users through following speed limits, especially before Maghrab prayers and not crossing red signals “and reducing the speed at residential areas.



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