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Bahrain to implement 117 new e-services at Interior Ministry

The eGovernment Authority (iGA) has highlighted the digital transformation of the Interior Ministry services until the third quarter of 2021, including 117 e-services.

The upcoming phase includes nine services to be launched soon, while there are 26 e-services pending implementation.

A plan was highlighted to develop the ID card services through a strategic plan of dealing with ID appointments. In addition, there will be a launch of a host of e-services and first of its kind in the region, a self-service portal, to serve more than 200,000 beneficiaries.

The briefing also highlighted a national portal for Bahrain’s experts as part of the initiatives of the National Plan to Promote the Spirit of Belonging to the Nation and Reinforce the Values of Nationalism (Bahrainouna), under the Ministry of Labour and Social Development in cooperation with the authority. It is a platform of a database of Bahrain’s experts and specialists.


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