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Bahrain: Three Face Trial for Posting Videos Insulting Religion, Faith

The Fourth Minor Criminal Court has started hearing a case, where three members of the Tajdeed Society allegedly hurt religious sentiments by posting misleading videos.

The suspects are accused of defaming Islam and mocking religious beliefs, rituals and figures. Court files say the society members posted YouTube videos that publicly ridiculed religious symbols and the Islamic faith.

The Public Prosecution said that the suspects’ actions prima facia brings offences under various Bahraini penal code clauses. While acknowledging the right to freedom of expression, Prosecutors emphasised that the Tajdeed Society members went beyond expressing their opinions.

The members are accused of outraging religious feelings by performing acts prejudicial to maintain harmony among people. They “infringed on the constitutional right to belief through false claims and mockery,” prosecutors said.

During the first hearing, the first two defendants denied the charges. and their lawyers requested additional time for the plea. In the second case, the defendant’s father informed the court that his son, who is studying overseas, was not able to grant a power of attorney as he was recently made aware of the trial

Consequently, the second defendant sought an extension for the power of attorney. As a result, the court adjourned both cases to a session scheduled for February 28.


The Daily Tribune

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