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Bahrain: Three COVID-19 Regulation Violators Fined BD 1000

The Lower Criminal ruled that three defendants be fined BD 1000 each for violating health procedures and preemptive regulations to combat the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and prevent its spread.

The High Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of one of the defendants who did not comply with the home confinement and was previously fined BD 2000.

The Public Prosecution received notifications from the Public Health Directorate that three persons had infringed the mandatory home quarantine imposed on them to prevent COVID-19 outbreak. Monitoring showed their non-compliance with home isolation as they had left their homes on different dates. A defendant, a commercial outlet Director, also transgressed the health regulations put in place to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

The Public Prosecution launched an investigation and questioned the defendants. It ordered they be released on bails and referred them to the Lower Criminal Court which issued its afore-mentioned verdict.


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