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Bahrain: Teacher jailed for forging attendance and records

Forging attendance and students’ evaluation records had landed a teacher, an Arab national, in a Bahraini prison for a year.

The public school teacher, court files say, forged attendance and evaluation reports of students in the school in 2018.

The court also ordered the deportation of the teacher after completing prison terms.

The incidents leading to the case started with school authorities growing suspicious about a signature in one of the reports filed by the teacher.

The report, school administration found, had two signatures – one belonged to the teacher, and the other was of his department head.

However, following an inquiry, the school found that the department head hadn’t signed the report.

“He handed me these reports, and I requested him to make some changes.

But he forged my signature and submitted them to the school administration,” the head of the department said.

Following this, the Ministry of Education formed a committee to probe the teacher.

Based on the committee’s report that confirmed the teacher’s crime, the school filed a case with the police.

The police investigation also found a mismatch in the evaluation records of the students filed by the teacher.

The report said the evaluation of the students on papers and online records was not matching.

The teacher was also found guilty of falsifying the attendance reports of his students.

Investigation proved that he had marked present even for students who were absent in the classroom.

Public Prosecution charged him with forgery and misconduct.


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