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Bahrain: Tawasul resolves illegal parking issue in Al Naeem

Residents of the Al Naeem area heaved a sigh of relief yesterday after a complaint filed through Tawasul resulted in a quick resolution to an illegal parking issue that had been unsettling their lives for a long time.

People living in the AI Naeem area, Complex 303, Road 307 and Al-Mazil had regular issues with thoughtless parking preventing them from stepping in and out of their houses. Families said people park vehicles in such a way that their daily activities are always delayed. Parked cars obstructing their way often cause employees to show up late at workplaces and children at schools.

Residents, through the app, requested authorities to install a traffic stop sign at the place in question. And authorities were quick to respond In no time, officials placed a stop sign as requested by the residents relieving them.


The Daily Tribune
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