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Bahrain: Tamkeen to Launch Programmes To Support Career Development

In line with the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to carry on efforts to improve the living standards of Bahraini nationals through more initiatives, the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) announced the commencement of work on several program tracks focused on supporting wages of Bahraini employees and supporting their career development in various fields.

This followed the agreement between the executive and legislative branches on the budget law for fiscal years 2023-2024 which encouraged the launch of initiatives aimed at increasing wages of Bahrainis employed in the private sector through wage support programs dedicated to a number of occupations, as well as the enhancement of career development programs for Bahrainis and incentivizing enterprises to increase Bahranization rates. These directives will strongly contribute to the achievement of the national goal of making Bahrainis the first choice of employment in the labour market.

Maha Mofeez, Chief Executive of the Labour Fund (Tamkeen) confirmed that Tamkeen is currently working on designing a number of new support tracks to support some of the occupations and specialities in the market with the purpose of expanding the range of beneficiaries and providing them with the skills required in the market, thus enabling them to climb the career ladder and get access to quality job opportunities.

She further highlighted that Tamkeen recently launched Career Pathway maps for several sectors starting with Financial Services and Telecommunications as part of the Skills Bahrain reports. Work is currently underway to finalize the skills requirements for 9 remaining sectors which will be launched in due time.

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Bahrain News Agency

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