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Bahrain: Suspect Sentenced to 1 Year Prison, Fined BD 21,000 for Polluting Marine Environment

The Public Prosecution said that the Lower Criminal Court has sentenced one of the suspects to one year in prison and fined him BD 21,000 for violating Law No. 7/2022 regarding environment protection, Chief Prosecutor of Ministries and Public Bodies announced.

The suspect committed criminal offences such as filling the sea with environmentally prohibited waste.

Case details reveal that the Public Prosecution had previously received a notification from the Supreme Council for the Environment indicating that during the periodic inspection visits to the facilities under its supervision in the western border area, it found that the accused had polluted the sea coast and water, by dumping environmentally prohibited waste into the sea, which consisting of large quantities of logs and waste construction, in addition to quantities of nylon, in violation of the permit granted to him and the requirements stipulated in the environmental impact assessment form.

Accordingly, legal measures were taken against the defendant, who was urged to stop the dumping work, and to remove the waste scattered all over the marine environment surrounding the dumping site.


Bahrain News Agency

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