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People & Culture

Bahrain: Strict Legal Actions Against Social Media Misuse

The Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security Director-General said 35 notifications have been processed recently as part of the ongoing efforts to handle rumours and take legal procedures against those who spread them.

He added 23 notifications have been referred to the Public Prosecution, pointing out that 30 notifications have also been received on social media accounts inciting sectarian provocation of which 18 notifications have been referred to the Public Prosecution.

He also noted that tracking down such accounts is still going on in preparation for legal procedures to be taken. He pointed out that 16 employees are working round the clock in this field.

Such acts are considered as dangerous crimes punishable by the law for article 168 of the Penal Code stipulates that “imprisonment for a period of no more than two years and a fine not exceeding BD 200 or either penalty shall be the punishment for any person who deliberately disseminates false reports, statements or malicious rumours, or produces any publicity-seeking to damage public security, terrorize the population or cause damage to the public interest.”


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