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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain Spends More Than 6 Million on Animal Imports

The Kingdom of Bahrain imported a total of 9,828 reptiles with a total value of BD5465 in 2019. Showed official statistical data of the Customs Administration.

Statistics indicated that the numbers of the imported animals, birds, and reptiles, including snakes and turtles from Kuwait and the U.S.A, reached 791,211 animals, with a value of BD6 million and 118,389 thousand.

The list included 626 dogs with a value of BD81,845, along with 378,731 ornamental birds, with a total value of BD727,146. While the total imports of original-breeds horses reached 151 horses, at a value of BD386,733, including Arabian horses with a value of BD305. The statistic registered 183 imports of sports horses with a total value of BD156,817. The data showed that the Kingdom’s imports of live cows, buffalo, sheep, and goats amounted to 121,165 with a total value of BD4 million, 260,22.

Statistics records showed a total of more than 270,000 imports of cocks, chicken, geese, and ducks, with a total value of BD151,657. The statistics included 2 imports of whales, dolphins, and porpoises at an amount of BD2924 dinars from Uruguay.

According to the statistics, the Kingdom’s total imports of camels for breeding, competitions and other activities and purposes amounted to 336 camels with a total value of BD101,145. While the Kingdom recorded a total of 600 falcons with a value of BD190,837. The data showed the Kingdom imported a total of 8969 pigeons, other domestic birds, with a total amount of BD36,350.


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