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Bahrain: Soaring Summer Heat to Interfere With Outdoor Plans

As summer approaches, the Kingdom is expected to reach usual soaring heat temperatures, which lessens the preference for outdoor activities, or common hang-out spots amongst the younger population. The Meteorological Directorate said that temperatures are expected to reach 39C this week, combined with a high percentage of humidity, which diminishes the idea of outdoor activities for those living in Bahrain to enjoy.

Social media in the Kingdom was abuzz with Bahrainis becoming frustrated with the blazing temperatures interfering with their usual outdoor plans. It is a common practice for Bahrainis to enjoy the coffee shops after work, or on the weekends, to relish the cool breeze and lively atmosphere, as most prefer outdoor seating over indoor. But, as the temperature rises, many people are often forced to sit indoors.

Many Gulf countries have implemented such misting systems as the UAE. Mist fog systems are used in Dubai in parks, residential areas, restaurants, and hotels to combat the heat waves experienced in the UAE. Qatar also implemented cooling systems in its stadiums where cool air wafts into the stadiums through specially positioned grilles in the stands and large nozzles facing the pitch.

Cooled air is then drawn back, re-cooled, filtered, and pushed out using air circulation. Climate experts claim that the Middle East is rapidly getting hotter, and now warming at twice the global average, and could be 4C warmer in 2050. And with warmer temperatures affecting the MENA region, residents and citizens in the Kingdom are claiming that outdoor cooling systems are quickly becoming more and more prudent


News of Bahrain
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