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GCC CountriesBahrain

Bahrain: Significant Decrease in Traffic Violations

The Director-General of Traffic Directorate stated that it recorded a remarkable decrease in traffic accidents compared to last year by 14%, which reflects the traffic awareness that characterizes road users in Bahrain, and their commitment to traffic regulations and rules as violations decreased by 22% after it used to negatively affect the traffic safety and traffic flow level.

The Director-General explained that the traffic work system witnessed a remarkable development in providing traffic electronic services and increasing the effectiveness of the electronic application in cooperation with the Information and Electronic Government Authority.

He revealed that an application is to be launched in the near future related to the monitoring of violations by citizens and residents starting from the parking violations to many other different issues, aiming to contribute towards decreasing the wrong practices on road.

He pointed out that the General Directorate of Traffic through its new awareness projects are constantly connected with all age groups in society in various languages ​​to deliver its educational message.


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