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Bahrain: Shrimping banned for 6 months

The annual six-month mandatory ban on catching, trading and selling shrimp in Bahrain came into effect today and will last until July 31.

The decision comes in order to preserve marine wealth in a way that contributes to the development of the shrimping industry and the protection of fish stock in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The decision also comes in line with the Gulf decisions regarding the protection of fish stocks in the kingdom and the Gulf countries.

It is also prohibited to have nets, tools, machines, or any means to catch shrimp on board of boats in the specified areas to catch shrimp as well as the mooring areas for boats if the purpose of their existence is to catch shrimp during the period of validity of the ban.

There also exists a ban on displaying and circulating fresh, chilled, frozen and unprocessed shrimp in markets and public places for the purpose of marketing or selling during the period of validity of the ban.


News of Bahrain
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