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Bahrain: Seven held for violating coronavirus quarantine rules

The Public Prosecution has questioned seven people suspected of violating quarantine rules and ordered to keep them in a mandatory isolation center ahead of referring them to a court.

Public Prosecution Chief Adnan A Wadai said that an investigation was launched following a report that seven people who had tested positive with COVID-19 and had to be quarantined refused to stay in the center and left for their homes.

Some of them were suffering from chronic diseases and two of them were over 60, which necessitated keeping them in an isolation center for urgent medical treatment, he added.

The Chief Prosecutor stressed the need for all to follow the instructions of the medical team and to adhere to the health measures taken to mitigate the spread of the virus.

Bahrain is exerting tremendous efforts to protect the safety of all people and the Public Prosecution will not fail to implement the law firmly against whoever violates the health measures, he added.

Violators of the preventive measures are held accountable and face up to three years in prison and a fine of BD10,000, he warned.


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