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GCC CountriesPeople & CultureBahrain

Bahrain seizes 200kg of illegally caught shrimps

About 200 kilograms of shrimp caught with prohibited trawling nets off the coast of Karzakan have been seized by the coast guard command’s police patrols, the Ministry of Interior reported yesterday.

The ministry said the coast guard commander announced the confiscation as they violated local fishing laws that aim to protect the Kingdom’s marine wealth.

The coast guard commander stressed the need for fishermen to abide by the fishing regulations in Bahrain. He stressed that marine and land patrols are continuing to monitor fishing activities and arrests, as well as any necessary legal measures, will be taken against violators.

The Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning’s Agriculture and Marine Resources Department announced earlier this month the end of the six-month ban on shrimping, which came into effect on February 1.


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